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Subject:Help with the info on the scrolls
Posted By: Tony W. Sun, Apr 23, 2023 IP:

Dear friends,

I have these scrolls that seem made by two artists: one who painted with black and white ink on bamboo and chrysanthemum subject and the other with watercolor of fishes and frogs.
I would really appreciate your help on the artist info and meaning of the writings, please!


Subject:Re: Help with the info on the scrolls
Posted By: I.Nagy Tue, Apr 25, 2023

魚樂       - Fish fun
戊子年冬 張逸倢 - In Winter of the Year of Earth-Rat (2008) by Zhang Yijie

Unidentifiable artist

Stones depend on the bamboo, and bamboo depends on stones, week grass and flowers are indistinguishable from each other
In the Year of Metal-Snake (2001) Painted in the Capital (Beijing)
Upper seal,
中立 ‐ Zhongli - Neutral (Pesudonym)
Lower seal,
口明  ‐ 口mei (or 口 Mei)
(Either given name or family name and given name, 
I cannt decipher the first character - probably unidentifible artist.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Help with the info on the scrolls
Posted By: I.Nagy Wed, Apr 26, 2023

口明 ‐口míng (or 口 Míng)
is correct.

Subject:Re: Help with the info on the scrolls
Posted By: Tony W. Wed, Apr 26, 2023

Dear I. Nagy,
Please accept here my deep appreciation and many thanks for your time and menticulous effort of help!

Tony | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |