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Peaceful Wind

10. Padmasambhava Thangka
18th c.
paint on cotton
46" x 60"

Padmasambhava Thangka

This very large, finely detailed thangka depicts Padmasambhava, or Guru Rinpoche, the famous Indian pandit who propagated Buddhism in Tibet in the 10th century. It is painted in the Menri, or typical Tibetan style, and is quite a dramatic portrait of the great saint. Guru Rinpoche is seated in lotus posture and wears monastic robes along with Bodhisattva ornaments such as earrings and large necklace. He holds in his right hand the vajra, and in his left a skull-cup surmounted by a flaming jewel. In the crook of his left arm is nestled the ritual trident, or khatvanga, complete with three severed human heads, banners, and flames. Flanking Padmasambhava are his two Bodhisattva-consorts, Mandarava and Yeshe Tsogyel, to whom he transmitted most of his teachings. The fine details of the face, especially the facial hair and trailing locks, are quite remarkable. This is a unique representation of Guru Rinpoche for its size and refined style.

Detail: Detail of face

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