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Peaceful Wind

9. Chen Resig Thangka
18th c.
paint on cotton
14" x 21"

Chen Resig Thangka

The central figure, Chen Resig (sanskrit: Sadaksara Avalokitesvara), is perhaps the most important single Bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddism; the Dalai Lama is considered his emanation, and his mantra, Om mani Padme Hum, the six syllables referred to in his Sanskrit name, is practically synonymous with Tibetan Buddhism. Here he is shown as one of the three great protectors, or "re sum gonpo." He holds in his two outer hands a mala, a lotus, and in his other two a wish-fulfilling jewel. To his right is Manjushri and to his left Vajrapani, the other two of the three protectors. Directly below him is Guru Rinpoche, or Padmasambhava, flanked by Vajrasattva and Green Tara. Below them on either side of an offering vessel are Yeshe Tsogyal and Mandarava, Padmasambhava's two consorts. Above the Chen Resig, floating on clouds and lotus moon-seats nine Buddhas, in various mudras and garments. Below the top central image of Shakyamuni buddha is a blazing cintamani, or wish-fulfilling jewel, atop a lotus, symbolising the radiance of adamantine wisdom which blazes forth as the five colors of the five Wisdom Buddhas.

Detail: Entire painting with surround

Detail: Detail of Buddha from upper register

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