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Peaceful Wind

8. Vajradhara Thangka
19th c.
paint on cotton
17" x 22.5"

Vajradhara Thangka

The Adibuddha Vajradhara sits on a lotus moon-seat above a throne base in humkara mudra, holding the bell and vajra, and adorned with the thirteen ornaments and garments. Above him is a Karmapa Lama holding a treasure vase with the other hand in dharmachakra mudra. Two other Lamas float on either side, atop lotus-moon seats that grow from behind the aureole of the central deity where stacks of texts rest. Two other branches below support three Shakyamuni Buddhas to the left and Arhats with staffs and cintamani jewels to the right. Below the central figure is a wrathful heruka in an intricate surrounding flame aureole, filled with various herukas with consorts. At the lower central section is Vajrayogini, who dances on a pedestal atop a sprout that emerges from the ocean below. Other protectors and guardian deities are on the banks on either side.

Detail: Entire painting

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