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Subject:Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Mon, Oct 30, 2023 IP:

Would really appreciate your help on the writings and info on the artist, please.


Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Tue, Oct 31, 2023

Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: I.Nagy Wed, Nov 01, 2023

Treasure Appreciated by the Imperial Study
Seal belonged to Emperor Qianlong


Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: I.Nagy Tue, Oct 31, 2023

Inscription on the tiop,
雪山歸騎圖 Painting of snowy mountains and returning rider
Signature and seal,
壽平 Shuping

Yun Shuping 惲壽平 1633-1690 Prominnent calligrapher and painter, friend of Wang Hui,
they have several joint works.

Title of painting,
雪山歸騎圖 Painting of snowy mountains and returning rider
虞山王翬 Wang Hui of Yushan
王翬之印 Seal of Wang Hui

Wang Hui 王翬 1632-1717

Together with the painters Wu Li, Yun Shouping and Wang Yuanqi, Wang Hui is considered one of the "Four Great Masters" from the reign of Emperor Kangxi.

Collectors' seals,
宜爾子孫 Suitable for (Your) descendants ?
Resembles Emperor Qianlong's 宜子孫 seal. but contains堂 one more character.
三希堂精鑑璽 Suitable for Assessment in the Hall of Three Rarities (Belonged to Emperor Qianlong)

Your scroll is most certainly a copy.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: I.Nagy Wed, Nov 01, 2023

seal belonged to Geng Zhaozhong 耿昭忠
1640-1686、connoisseur of calligraphy and painting in the early Qing.


Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Thu, Nov 02, 2023

Thanks so so very much I. Nagy for your precious time, due diligence, extremely caring committed effort, and expertise!!! The info is so valuable for me to understand the nature of the scroll!!!

It was passed on to me by the elder daughter of an old longtime collector, along with the other scrolls that you and others have helped with recently ( Mt. Fuji, Scenery of Mt. Yulong, Li Xilin's calligraphy, ...)

It is a large scroll (46" by 23" painting area) and does looks hand-painted? Please find below the close-up photos :)

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Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Thu, Nov 02, 2023

The scroll condition seems old and probably has a damage on the very top since it was rolled up a few turns and nails and hooks were added for hanging

Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Sat, Nov 04, 2023

The views from the back and side-angled

Subject:Re: Help with a painting scroll
Posted By: Tony W. Fri, Dec 01, 2023

By the way, would really appreciate any guidance on how to go about authenticating this / finding out its origin 🙏
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