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Subject:Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: Bill H Sun, Oct 29, 2023 IP: 2601:346:1:7270:1928

This 19 cm tall crackled glaze celadon jar is another piece I'm trying to sort out. Superficially, it resembles what I've seen on some ancient Chinese Jun and other wares. However, I've never been able to turn up examples with the same glazing pattern on the base, with an unglazed 'bullseye' in the middle. As such, I'd appreciate opinions on just where this piece comes from; China, Korea, Thailand or elsewhere?

All comments welcome,

Best regards,

Bill H.

Subject:Re: Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: Robert Mon, Oct 30, 2023

I think it's Chinese, Qing dynasty ge-type ware. Perhaps the unglazed central reserve was intended for a mark that was never added or was removed before firing.

Subject:Re: Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: Robert Tue, Oct 31, 2023

A white crackle glazed vase with similar central depression on base, except this one glazed. Said to be Qing, Chaozhou kiln.

Subject:Re: Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: Bill H Tue, Oct 31, 2023

Robert, many thanks for the information you've provided.

Best regards,

Bill H.

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Subject:Re: Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: George Tue, Oct 31, 2023

Beautiful vase with beautiful ware and patina on the rim. The circle in the middle does not look like original to me but more like it has been converted to a lamp, and then back to a vase. But I am not sure. Does the circle show on the inside?
Look early Qing to me probably Kangxi judging bij the neatly cut thin bottom ring.

Subject:Re: Opinions sought on crackled glaze celadon bottle vase
Posted By: Bill H Wed, Nov 01, 2023

I don't have a fiber optics scope to look inside but did examine the circular space on the foot under an ultraviolet lamp and saw no glow or other indication its composition differs from unglazed areas of the foot-rim.

Thanks very much for your observations,

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