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Subject:What is this item called?
Posted By: Diogenes Fri, Nov 26, 2021 IP:

Closing out an estate and I don't know what this is. The owner purchased it while living in Japan.

It is 18 inches tall by 12 inches in diameter.

Can anyone identify it for me and perhaps give me an estimate of what I should price it at?

Subject:Re: What is this item called?
Posted By: Dave H Sat, Nov 27, 2021

I've always called them a Chinese porcelain garden stool, and prices vary depending on the stool, when it was made etc.

Subject:Re: What is this item called?
Posted By: Bill H Sat, Nov 27, 2021

They're commonly called "Garden Stools" or "Drum Stools". I looked at and found them selling mostly between US$50 and about US$400 when they sold at all, with price apparently based on the appeal of the pattern, age and whether the kiln was identifiable and bore a well-known name.

This seat has nice traditional landscape decoration but the picture reveals no clues as to its age. Maybe someone else who actually collects these Japanese wares can do a better estimate. I own just an inexpensive new one that I actually use outdoors.

Best regards,

Bill H.

Subject:Re: What is this item called?
Posted By: mikeoz Sat, Nov 27, 2021

A ceramic garden stool.

Check value in your local shops.

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