Subject:Re: Help Reading Marks On Chinese Porcelain Square Dish
Posted By: Martin Michels Fri, Mar 22, 2024
This is a Japanese piece, not Chinese.
The mark reads:
- From right to left: Senbai 專賣 Tokkyo 特許 (= national patent).
- From right to left: 二二五二五一五 (= 2252515).
- Top to bottom on the left: Takeuchi 竹内 Zo 造 (= made by Takeuchi).
- Top to bottom on the right: no idea, maybe a more skilled expert on Japanese can help.
Mark of Takeuchi Chubei (1852-1922), who started at Shippo Kaisha, but left the company in 1881. He had a studio in Nagoya. He was the first artist in Japan to successfully make a Pearskin glaze (Ishime Yaki) on porcelain, also often called Sharkskin glaze. Ishime Yaki was developed and created by Takeuchi in 1889. It was patented with patent number 2252515 and produced for a relatively short period in the late 19th century.