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Subject:help read japanese fuda
Posted By: francis minvielle Thu, Sep 14, 2023 IP: 2a01:e0a:871:8270:f5

Can you tell me what is written on this japanese talisman?

Subject:Re: help read japanese fuda
Posted By: I.Nagy Thu, Sep 14, 2023

大阪 Ōsaka - City name
南地 Nanchi - Place name
利久 Riku (or Rikyū) - Name of a restaurant

It is a so-called Senjafuda 千社札 (a thousand srine
label) - votive sticker with the pilgrim's name stuck, among others, on the gates and pillars of shrines and temples. In many cases restaurants, shops etc. also put up their fudas as a form of free advertisement. To place a fuda in a temple facility nowadays often subject to authiorization.

With regards,

Subject:Re: help read japanese fuda
Posted By: francis minvielle Fri, Sep 15, 2023

Thank you so much!!
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