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Subject:identification of three Chinese prints
Posted By: manuD Wed, Sep 13, 2023 IP: 2a01:e0a:d42:8ab0:89

I would like to know what the inscriptions on these (presumably Chinese) prints say. I could identify the flute player as Han Xiangzi, but nothing else. I also wonder how old they are. I believe the title is written from right to left, does that give a minimum age?
Thank you

Subject:Re: identification of three Chinese prints
Posted By: I.Nagy Fri, Sep 15, 2023

Pic.1, - Series inscription
無錫風光 - Wuxi Scenery
Signature and seal,
玉如 - Yu Ru - Surname and given name of callligrapher
Title inscription、
蠡園 - Li Garden
Signature and seal,
子文 ‐Ziwen - Given name or art-name of artist

韓湘子 - Han Xiangzi (One of the "Eight Immortals"
癸亥之夏玉薛 In Summer of the Year of Water-Pig (...1923)by Yu Xue / Yuxue - Surname and given name or art-name
Illegibly blurred seal

Pic.3,- Series inscription
無錫風光 - Wuxi Scenery
Signature and seal,
玉如 - Yu Ru
Title inscription,
三山攬勝 ‐ Splendours of Mt. Sanshan
Signature and seal,
子文 - Ziwen - Given name or art-name of artist

It is likely that the other two prints are also from the 1920s.

With regards,

Subject:Re: identification of three Chinese prints
Posted By: manuD Sat, Sep 16, 2023

Thank you very much for taking the time to identify these prints, you were once again very helpful. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |