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Subject:Hokusai Book - Eastern Capital Translation Help
Posted By: Stan Sun, Sep 10, 2023 IP: 2601:18c:500:e820:48

Fellow Asian art lovers,

I am looking for help to determine if I paid too much for the below ehon/book. I believe that it is Famous Views of the Eastern Capital (Toto Shokei Ichiran) by Katsushika Hokusai Volume 2. However, I believe that it is not the first printing. I am looking to confirm the date of publication as well as the rest of the text on the front page.

My efforts to translate the text below using Google Translate via my cell phone camera yielded multiple translations for many of the lines of text.

Below are the cover, front, and back pages. I appreciate your help in this matter.

Once this appears, I'll provide several pictures of other pages for your enjoyment.

Best regards,

Subject:Re: Hokusai Book - Eastern Capital Translation Help
Posted By: I.Nagy Mon, Sep 11, 2023

東都勝景一覧 下 Views of the Eastern Capital Vol.2
畫工 北斎辰政  Painter Hokusai Tokimasa
彫工 安藤圓紫  Carver Ando Enshi

寛政十二庚申年  12th -Metal-Monkey- Year of Kansei Era (1800)
正月開版     New Year Printing
江戸日本橋通一丁目 Edo, Nihonbashi-dori 7-chome
須原屋茂兵衛  Suharaya Mohei
仝 下谷池ノ端仲町 Same. Shimoya, Ikenohata, Nakamachi
須原屋伊八    Suharaya Ihachi

天保十一庚子年  11th -Metal-Rat- Year of Tenpo Era (1840) 
九月求版     September, Claim of Publishing Right 
大阪心斎橋通塼勞町角 Osaka, Shinsaibashi, Senro-machi Kado
河内屋茂兵衛版  Kawachiya Mohei Edition

This is the 1840 edition, 40 years after the first edition

With regards,

Subject:Re: Hokusai Book - Eastern Capital Translation Help
Posted By: Stan Mon, Sep 11, 2023

Dear I. Nagy,

Thank you for all your help. That is not unexpected. I probably paid too much for the book, but the pictures are very nice. If I wanted to make a profit I could pull the book apart and sell the pages, but I wouldn't do that.

As promised, below are a couple more examples of the contents.

Best regards,
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