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Subject:Small Vase Need Help with Mark
Posted By: Paul Fri, Sep 08, 2023 IP: 2600:4040:9963:6400:

I have this small vase 4.5"H and can't find this mark anywhere.

Subject:Re: Small Vase Need Help with Mark
Posted By: Bill H Sat, Sep 09, 2023

This appears to be a Korean vase, probably contemporary period. I.Nagy will have to read the mark. I've attached links to an online auction listing for another one with different mark.

Best regards,

Bill H.

URL Title :Korean small vase auction listing

Subject:Re: Small Vase Need Help with Mark
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Sep 10, 2023

After a bit of puzzling, I read it
古作 Gojak (Korean) Kosaku (Japanese) Guzuo (Chinese) with the meaning "Old workshop" or "Ancient work"

With regards,
I.Nagy | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |