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Subject:Help identifying maker of Silver Conjoined Medicine/Snuff Bottles
Posted By: Aaron at APEX Antiques Sun, Sep 03, 2023 IP: 2606:40:86a:12ea::86

Hello again esteemed colleagues of the Asian Art Forum.
Once again I throw myself on your mercy and humbly request your assistance.
This time I have purchased a lovely Silver (not played or "Tibet" silver) four fold conjoined medicine/snuff bottles. They have pictures of various plants on one side (prunus, orchid, bamboo etc) & on the other, each has a different inscription in Chinese of what it's contents should be and they also have a makers mark on their base. Each has a screw down stopper with a spatula attached. To me it looks unfinished as I have seen very similar enameled examples and this one still shows marks of the manufacture process (no final polish to remove file marks etc).
If someone would be so kind as to assist with the meaning of the inscription on the side of each bottle & the makers mark (which is the same on all 4) I would be most grateful.
Thanking you all in advance.
Aaron from APEX Antiques

Link :Kaufman

Subject:Re: Help identifying maker of Silver Conjoined Medicine/Snuff Bottles
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Sep 03, 2023

祥源 Xiangyuan - Source of auspiciusness
(Name of the silver bottle maker)

Drug name inscriptions:
行軍散 Xingjun San - Marching Powder
(For dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea)
臥龍丹 Wolong Dan - Wolong (Reclining Dragon) Pill
(For heatstrokes)
紅灵丹 Hongling Dan - Red Panacea Pill
(For promotion bood circulation, relieving pain)
明目散 Mingmu San - Clear Eyes Powder
(For improve eyesight)

With regards,

Subject:Re: Help identifying maker of Silver Conjoined Medicine/Snuff Bottles
Posted By: Aaron at APEX Antiques Mon, Sep 04, 2023

I Nagy, again & as always, you're help is both appreciated and incredibly useful. I know I can speak for everyone on this forum when I say that we are all very grateful you are here for us.
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