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Subject:xu beihong eagle painting
Posted By: jeff sutton Sat, Aug 19, 2023 IP: 2600:6c67:2cf0:c10:7

I was looking for opinions and date translation, if possible, on this painting signed by Xu Beihong. I picked this up from a charity shop on the west coast so it wasn't sold to me as a Xu Beihong. I know he is often faked but the quality of the art and the signature look pretty solid to me. I also got 2 more from the collection, a Li Fangying and another Taoist painting. I'll add some detail pics once it posts.

Subject:Re: xu beihong eagle painting
Posted By: jeff sutton Sat, Aug 19, 2023

additional pics

Subject:Re: xu beihong eagle painting
Posted By: peter Sat, Aug 19, 2023

To me it seems to be a wood block printed reproduction.

Subject:Re: xu beihong eagle painting
Posted By: jeff sutton Sun, Aug 20, 2023

Thanks Peter - I was able to find an example of it being a woodblock from a 1944 painting here from one that sold at Poly : . I appreciate it Peter - Thanks | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |