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Subject:Asain Tiger painting on scroll aquired in Pusan, Korea 1952
Posted By: Fred Thomas Fri, Aug 18, 2023 IP:

Request - translation of the chop marks/characters on painting. Who is the artist? Thanks you!

Painting Details and images –
Format: Larger scroll with silk fabric borders.
Artist: unknown, but I have some recollection that their name is “Cho.”
Artist Nationality: I remember from discussion w my Father (deceased) that there was some uncertainty as to whether the artist was Korean or Japanese.
Acquired: 1952 in Pusan, Korea
Painting Size: 81 cm (32”) wide x 91.5 cm (36”) high

Background -
This scroll was acquired by my Father (Fred Charles Thomas Jr.) in Pusan, Korea during 1952 from a local art dealer/vendor/peddler. My Father was in Korea from 1952-1958 in a variety of capacities with the US Government. The following document (see below link) found online documents his years there.

My Father collected numerous pieces of art while in Korea ranging from paintings, calligraphy, celadon pottery to bronze statues. I retain many of these artworks to this day. He was a fluent Korean and Chinese language speaker. He knew the Korea President at the time, Sigmund Rhee, personally and hence was well connected with Korean government and political figures of importance during this period. He considered himself to be a knowledgeable and astute collector of Asian art.

Link :,%20Fred%20Charles%20Jr.toc.pdf

Subject:Re: Asain Tiger painting on scroll aquired in Pusan, Korea 1952
Posted By: Fred Thomas Tue, Aug 22, 2023

Images did not apprear to be posted. They are attached here. Help with reading the chop mark would be sincerely appreciated. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |