Subject:Presumed Chinese Republic porcelain vases
Posted By: Bill H Thu, Jan 12, 2023 IP:
Here's another in my efforts to elicit views of others regarding my previous assumptions about mystery items in my collection. These two similar vases are painted in a manner easily mistaken for imperial. They are unmarked except for the double circles in blue on the bases in. Presumably they were made at Jingdezhen in the early Republic Period. I bought them eBay from a reliable dealer in the early 2000's, before China fakes were the problem they've become nowadays. Without their vintage 20th century wooden covers, the one with birds is 7.27 inches high, and the all floral piece is 6.75 inches. The questions I have bear on whether anyone else has ever seen this pattern, can associate the craftsmanship with any particular artist or has other information or opinions on their age.
I'm much obliged for any and all comments,
Bill H.