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Peaceful Wind

14. Vaishravana Thangka
18th c.
paint on cotton
26" x 18"

Vaishravana Thangka

Vaishravana, Guardian king of the North is depicted here on his characteristic mount, the snow lion. He holds aloft a sacred banner in his right hand and in his left he cradles a mongoose spitting jewels. He is associated with Jambhala, or Kubera, the principle deity of wealth, who sits on his left side. To his right is a wrathful blue heruka holding a skull cup filled with flaming jewels. The other guardian kings surround him, and Vajrapani is above him in the center. The detail and complexity of this thangka is remarkable.

Detail: Entire painting

Detail: figure of form of Jambhala seen from rear

all text and images © Peaceful Wind

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