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Peaceful Wind

15. Hevajra: Central Figure
Tibet; Nepalese patron
18th c.; AD 1793
paint on cotton
17" x 24"

Hevajra: Central Figure

This painting was commissioned by a devout Buddhist Newar residing in Tibet, in AD 1793. Hevajra is one of the most important of the tantric tutelary figures of Tibet and Nepal; though he has several forms, he is most often shown in this form, as Kapaladhara Hevajra (Hevajra who holds the skull cups), blue, with sixteen arms each holding a skullcup with animals in the set of left hands and figures of astrological deities in those on the right, embracing his consort Nairatma, also blue in color.

The painting is fragile, and has considerable wear and damage in the upper part.

Detail: Detail of attendant deity and consort

Detail: Hevajra Thangka with Surround

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