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Peaceful Wind

18. Gonpo Face Cabinet (Torgam)
18th c.
wood; with paint
22" x 9" x 33"

Gonpo Face Cabinet (Torgam)

This striking cabinet features Tibetan furniture painting at its best. The dramatic face on its front is a Gonpo, or protector. This cabinet was probably used in a temple or section of a shrine hall dedicated to wrathful deities, and was most likely used to contain ritual cakes (torma) and tea that are daily offerings to the wrathful protector deities. As the protectors were once demons of the indigenous religion of Tibet who created obstacles to the propagation of Buddha dharma and were thus subjugated by the great Padmasambhava, they must be supplicated with offerings to insure that they are satisfied. As one great Lama said, "if you are going to call upon the wrathful deities, you had better give them something."

Detail: Gonpo face detail

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