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17. Tibet manuscript of the Pranjnaparamita sutra in 8000 verses
Tibet; south central Tibet
14th-15th c.
paint on paper; calligraphy in black ink
pages 25" x 9"

Tibet manuscript of the Pranjnaparamita sutra in 8000 verses

This is complete manuscript in 407 folios, of the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita sutra, one of the most important of the Mahayanasutras, considered the "heart sutra" of the Mahayana tradition. It is particularly popular in Nepal and Tibet. This manuscript is exceptional for its completeness, fine calligreaphy and illuminations in good condition. The illuminations are in a Nepalese style, indicating that the manuscript was likely produced in a mnonastery with links to the Nepalese style, perhaps a Sakya gompa.

The top cover is original, the bottom cover a vestigal later replacement.

Detail: detail of final folio

Detail: manuscript with cover

all text and images © Peaceful Wind

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