difficult/simple? sosho kanji in Kozuka Mei
Posted By: steve smith
Posted Date:
Sep 13, 2018 (08:16 AM)
Hoping that someone may recognise the first personal name kanji following the family name of 'KAWAHARA/KAWABARA' in this signature on a very fine quality Kozuka. Have tried several radicals in various books on Sosho (Daniels etc.) but nothing pops out at me - I beieve it possible that the personal name is pronounced in Chinese fashion as the following kanji is clearly 'HO/PO' and the third may be a convoluted 'SAI' (the last one obviously being 'SEN/KIZAMU') Remarkable how often it is the first kanji of any name which the artist chooses to make so complicated - and making it SO hard to look him up! Any comments/suggestions gratefully received.
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