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george zee & co. table & 4 stools

Posted By: melissa
Posted Date: Jun 09, 2010 (12:18 PM)

i have aquired a beautifully carved table with glass top and 4 stools that hide under table. I do not know any history on this item and havent had any luck in researching the item or company. I would love to get an estimated value and info on this item so far all i could figure out through research is that the year of the item is the first two numbers on the serial tag according to that the year would be 51 i have seen several references to bars/chests/and boxes but havent seen anything about this kind of table and havent come across any carved items with same carvings mine has dragons creatures ect., carvings please help if you have any info or values please contact me at I would be happy to email photos if wanted

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