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Re: Re: Really great jade pieces or fakes?

Posted By: Anita Mui
Posted Date: Jan 02, 2008 (11:24 PM)

Happy New Year everyone! I just came back from Zhuhai, and I found basket full of Hongshan jades, will be posted later.


Dear Bill

I'm sick of this fraud and forgery junks.

They are treated serpentine, no need to use diamond tip tools to carve that kind of warring states plus Qing Dynasty prayer wheel to be fantasy Japanese cartoon Dragon balls totem.
Here is the story, last year, jade seal of Qianlong stolen from The Old Summer Palace (Yuan Ming Yuan - Garden of Perfect Splendor ) by British and French expeditionary forces in 1860 was on auction at the Soltheby´s HK at HK$ 46.20 millions(US$ 5.92 millions), won by anonymous mainland Chinese collector.(see link)

Antique jades will never come out of China at these few years, since the Chinese Collectors are very serious to collect them secretly in their warehouse. And they pay better price than overseas market. Authentic jades in HK are very much more expensive since HK$ 100 is equal to RMB 92.00 and RMB will be stronger. China has changed a lot; the cost of living in major city is somehow close to Hong Kong. You think that the thieves will risk their heads, and sell the Wilsons for hundreds of US$ and let them sell for thousands? Those junks if they are authentic, they can be sold at 0.5 to 1 million of RMB in the black market.
Many new found are new fakes from the Wilsons'
Always undocumented, same patina, and from the same block of stone. Why Chinese authority in Australia could capture people who smuggling dinosaur eggs at Australian ports, but turn the blind eyes to the Wilsons' warehouse stuffed with Cultural relics, especially many Lianzhu t'sung as big as electric poles, why they can not be detected by the x-ray at Chinese ports and Australian ports. Because they are fakes! You think Chinese port authorities are dumb?

What is the true function of bi disc? It represents the heaven, the mandate of heaven would have right to speak through it, and bi disc will be put on altar at the heavenly ceremony. Some said that bi discs were hung above the throne hall to pass the message from the king to heaven. Why made them inter-locked spinning? or for flipping the tongues of emperors? The emperors would never flip their tongues! (Confucius)

I can assure you that inter-locked spinning wheel have never been found in archaic period, those junks are fantasy pieces mixed up with Qing Dynasty prayer wheel and warring states style dragons.

That fake Trish copied style from the books and send to Skylink factory to make them fantastically uniquely fakes, without knowing the true function of bi disc. Pls notice that she will never have expensive kohtan white nephrite to fool around.

Have fun
Anita Mui

Link :Soltheby\'s Auction - Qianlong jade seal

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