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Subject:chinese scroll
Posted By: yeshi Tue, Apr 02, 2013 IP:

For some reason my last posts pictures did not upload so I will try again.I picked this scroll up during a recent clean-out of an old artists home. He had many vintage and interesting oriental books and items. This was hanging on his wall. he had visited china as it seems from some pictures he had stored away. All information is appreciated. I have more pictures of the item if you need than.

Subject:Re: chinese scroll
Posted By: rat Wed, Apr 03, 2013

oy vey. this is a recently (since the 1980s) printed scroll claiming to be Qing painter Wang Hui but actually a decent copy of Qing painter Dong Bangda's copy of "Mount Lu", a Song period painting in the National Palace Museum Taiwan attributed to Jing Hao (Ching Hao).

Here is a photo of the Dong Bangda copy of Jing Hao:

Here is a photo of the Song painting attributed to Jing Hao:,_Taipei,_Taiwan.jpg

Subject:Re: chinese scroll
Posted By: yeshi Wed, Apr 03, 2013

Here is a better pic of the signature and some other pictures including a symbol on the back | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |