Subject:So you have read a FEW jade books!
Posted By: Bill Sat, Feb 20, 2010
I cannot fault Tony A. from being upset when his supposedly authentic jade carvings including the "jade" censer posted by him was believed to be nothing but a "modern fake" (less than 100 years old) and may not be made of real jade by quite a few forum members here. I truly know how that feel because I had the same experience before and Tony A. was one of the few who attacked my jade carvings the most viciously. However, I was upset at first but then decided it was better for me to learn more about jade so that may be one day I can prove to them I may indeed be right, at least in some areas, than be absolutely wrong.
Therefore, I was genuinely surprised with Tony's reaction and his statement:
"My comments apply to Lee as well, as neither of you seem to have a clue about what you are talking about,"
"Both you and Lee need to get yourself some early jade books by Western authors; Laufer (1911), Nott (1936) and Salmony (1938) would be a good start. None of the jades illustrated can have been made by modern machine tools, for as Nott comments, the Chinese were still using the ancient methods of pedal and bow drills. That was written in 1936. "
I was well aware of these jade books and indeed have most of them. However, if Tony truly wants to learn about jade working techniques employed in China at different times, he seems to forget the books written by one of the most important western jade experts, Prof. Sidney Howard Hansford. His two jade books, "Chinese Jade Carving" and "Chinese Carved Jades" may be the first books written by any western jade experts in discussing the jade working techniques an jade tools in details. I was fortunate that my jade friend, Diasai, had introduced me to Prof. Hansford's books. I was also very fortunate to correspond with his grandson who happened to come across this forum when he did researches to find out more about his grandfather. He has a large piece of jade boulder (I now believe it may be Hetian jade) left by his grandfather.
There are a lot of western jade experts, of course both Laufer and Nott were distinguished jade experts, however, if you would read books or articles written by more recent western jade scholars such as Jessica Lawson or Margaret Sax, who do you think they quote the most? Yes, Prof. Hansford, that is correct. If you bother to look at many jade carvings listed in Christie's jade auctions, which jade scholar's books used by them as reference for their attributions? Yes, Prof, Hansford again, therefore if DO NOT have any of his books, I urge you to get a copy as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a sever lack in your jade education obtained from reading books written by western jade writers.
His other books and jade literature are:
"Two inscribed jades" 1947-8
"Carvings in Jade, Ivory, Rhinoceros Horn and Bamboo" 1953-7
"The Seligman Collection of Oriental Art", 1957
"Jade and the Jade Carving in the Ch'ing Dynasty", 1963-4
"Jade, Essence of Hills and Streams: The Von Oertzen Collection of Chinese and Indian Jades", 1969
First of all, owning a few jade books and/or reading a few jade books do not make anybody including you or me a jade expert.
Secondly, reading only jade books written by western jade experts prior to the 70s would limit the jade knowledge we can learn.
It is because many of the large-scale excavations of archaic jades in tombs discovered in China happened in the 70s or afterward. Many of the western jade scholars/book writers do not have the opportunity to the jades found in these ancient tombs. Furthermore, even today, only a limited few Chinese jade experts in China might have the rare opportunity in personally studying these excavated jades, many western jade experts were excluded and therefore the information they can obtain will be second-handed.
Prof. Hansford believe rotary tools were not invented till Iron age and were made of iron and therefore in Shang dynasty and early Zhou, such rotary tools for wheel-cutting would not be available. However, on the jade books written by Mr. Yang Boda, he clearly indicated that such wheel-cutting machine were found as early as in Shang sites.
It was believed by many western jade scholars that many archaic jades were made of nephrite jade found locally inside China despite the fact that no nephrite mines could be confirmed as sources for these jade carvings. Upon the discovery of the Lady Fu Hao's tomb (Shang dynasty) and the excavated jade carvings being studies by Mr. Yang Boda, now many Chinese jade experts such as Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhou Nam Quan and Mr. Gu Fang now believe Hetian nephrite jade were imported from XinJiang and were used in the making of Chinese jade carvings as early as Shang dynasty.
Therefore, if Tony A insisted in studying jade books written by western jade experts only (just like Anita), then I am afraid he would inadvertently miss many vital knowledge regarding jade. I surely hope his self-taught education regarding Chinese ceramics is not limited to ready ceramics books written by western ceramic experts only. May be one day, auction house will start quoting his ceramic books in attributing their auctioned ceramic pieces. However, I cannot stop thinking about how the famous doctor/jade writer who had written numerous books including a jade book and who had posted many of his high priced "authentic" jade carvings in this forum only to be revealed by Anita that he was a fraud.