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Subject:Bronze Meiji Period Signature Identification Needed Please
Posted By: Rita Thu, Jul 09, 2009 IP:

Subject:Re: Bronze Meiji Period Signature Identification Needed Please
Posted By: Guy Sat, Jul 11, 2009

The seal or mark is inscribed in some sort of Chinese seal script which is very difficult to decipher, even for Japanese or Chinese experts. Possible readings could be 'Hisho' or 'Hito' but don't take this for granted.
Anyway, the seal must be considered as a sort of trademark because these arefacts and many other Japanese goods from the Meiji period were manufactured in workshops and in huge quantities for the export market in Europe and the USA where Japonisme was at his height. Similar bronze models of wild animals, designed by wellknown western artists, were also immense popular from around the 1860s, but I guess they were a lot more expensive at that time.
For a strictly commercial point of view, it is in my opninion not so important to identify at all cost the manufacturer in the case these Japanese 'okimono'. A search of all major auction houses, including Christies, reveals that the items are mostly catalogued mentioning a mark or seal, but without a positive identification of the makers. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |