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Subject:Help w/ID Suzhou Needlepoint Embroidery Art & Translation
Posted By: Jim Mon, Mar 10, 2025 IP:

hi everyone. i just bought this large framed Asian art piece. the area withing the frame measures 40"x16 1/8" and is under glass. I don't believe this is considered embroidery. the stitches are way too detailed and tiny, so i'm using the term "needlepoint." to me this piece is genuinely mind boggling! many of the individual stitches are less than a millimeter in length. also the pattern on both sides of the scene in the center are completely hand sewn. i'm hoping someone can help me with identifying the name for this type of work as well as the approximate age. really any information would be appreciated. i've seen several other examples of this scene online, but none are done with anywhere near this degree of detail. i'm also hoping someone can help with translating the text in the upper left corner...thanks

Subject:Re: Help w/ID Suzhou Needlepoint Embroidery Art & Translation
Posted By: I.Nagy Tue, Mar 11, 2025

An embroidered version of the picture painted by the famous flower and bird painter indicated below.
I assume that it is a modern computer-controlled
machine embroidery.

一九五九年 陳之佛
Be as long-lived as pines and cranes
1959 Chen Zhifo*

* Chen Zhifo 1896-1962 famous Chinese flower and bird painter.

With regards,
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