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Subject:title and meaning of children boshin print
Posted By: francis minvielle Fri, Feb 21, 2025 IP:

This boshin war print seems to show the left group (Emperor coalition?) being pushed back, as if they were getting off the bridge, by other (shogunate) people behind the screen. Am I right and what would be this specific battle won against the Emperor? Maybe it is associated to the scenery drawn on the screen.
Also, what are the meanings of the large objects: empty rice bowl, rice bale, silver and gold coins, oil lamp in this context??

Subject:Re: title and meaning of children boshin print
Posted By: I.Nagy Fri, Feb 21, 2025

Title (Left side top, bigger and thicker inscription)
子供あそび 百ものがたり
Kodomo asobi, Hyaku monogatari
Children Plays; A Hundred Tales

On a Japanese language website, I found the following short description of what is depicted in the picture,
"The ghosts that jump out of the folding screen of Shirakawa no Seki* depict children fleeing, representing the Aizu attack in a stalemate. In this illustration, the ghost of the bowl represents the Aizu Domain, which is famous for lacquerware, the kimono with a two-color basket eye pattern represents the Satsuma Domain in Kagoshima, the butterfly pattern represents the Chōshū Domain, and the Morioka Southern Domain with the word "Minami" written on the shoulder is also depicted in the upper right."

* Shirakawa Barrier on the old Ōshū Kaidō Highway, marking the border between the Central Provinces and the Northern Lands

Not very talkative, but more than nothing.

With regards,

Subject:Re: title and meaning of children boshin print
Posted By: francis minvielle Sat, Feb 22, 2025

Thank you a lot. Your reply is very informative! | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |