Subject:Re: Carved red lacquer box 2
Posted By: RENATO Thu, Feb 27, 2025
I absolutely love this lacquer box. While it’s not exactly a museum-quality piece, it’s really charming and has a lot of character.
I’m particularly drawn to the Buddhist patterns around the landscape. (Pure Land is one of the sects of Buddhism in Japan.) The "key" or "swastika" symbol features the geometric Sayagata pattern (紗綾形). This pattern is based on the repetition of the Buddhist swastika (万字 manji), which symbolizes Dharma, universal harmony, or the balance between opposites. The Sayagata pattern is often seen in traditional Japanese textiles and architecture, representing good fortune and longevity.
It’s fascinating to note that Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment after meditating under a Bodhi tree. If you look at the mountain range in the background of the scene, it’s clear that the setting is in India, not Japan.
Hugs from Brazil,