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Subject:Small japanese or chinese Christian bronze medaillon
Posted By: Chris J. Thu, Jul 11, 2024 IP:

I would very appreciated aby opinion about age of this medaillon. It is depicting probably Mary and Jesus. My opinion is that it is 17 th. century because I have seen similar medaillons made in Portugal.

Subject:Re: Small japanese or chinese Christian bronze medaillon
Posted By: I.Nagy Sat, Jul 13, 2024

It is Chinese,
Side 1,
聖母瑪利亞為我   St. Mary pray for us
等及x x的x孩祈  and x x x children
(Three characters are worn beyond recognition)

Side 2,
聖若瑟中國大    St. Joseph the great patron
生保為我等祈 saint of China pray for us

I would date the medaillion to the mid 19th century.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Small japanese or chinese Christian bronze medaillon
Posted By: Chris J. Sun, Jul 14, 2024

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