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Subject:Transcription and translation on envelope for Japanese bromides
Posted By: Irwin Sat, Jul 06, 2024 IP:

Help in transcribing and translating the script in the center of this envelope containing Japanese bromide kabuki postcards would be appreciated. I am also wondering if this type of script has a name. With thanks.

Subject:Re: Transcription and translation on envelope for Japanese bromides
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Jul 07, 2024

美人繪葉賀喜   Bijin ehagaki
東京銀座 Tōkyō, Ginza
上方屋本店 Kamigata-ya Honten
電話(57)二九九三 Denwa (57)2993
Picture postcards with beautiful women
Tōkyō, Ginza
Kamigata-ya Main Store
Tel. (57) 2993

With regards,

Subject:Re: Transcription and translation on envelope for Japanese bromides
Posted By: Irwin Tue, Jul 09, 2024

As always, thank you for taking the time to reply.
With best regards,
Irwin | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |