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Subject:Please help with seal stamp.
Posted By: Madria Mon, Jun 24, 2024 IP:

This seal seems to me to have been made in zuanshu. Could someone help me to translate it? Unfortunately I only have this one picture and no context, as the seal was sent to me by a relative. I would also appreciate any advice on dictionaries, literature or internet sources that would help me to better understand and translate the seal script in general. Thank you very much for your help.



Subject:Re: Please help with seal stamp.
Posted By: I.Nagy Tue, Jun 25, 2024

景昌瓷莊 Jinchang Porcelain Shop

There's no royal road to learning zhuanshu.
I believe that, first of all, a thorough knowledge of Chinese characters and the mastery of the use of Chinese character dictionaries is the key to the use of zhuanshu dictionaries.
Zhuanshu dictionaries are available in Chinese bookstores, or can be ordered online.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Please help with seal stamp.
Posted By: Madria Wed, Jun 26, 2024

Dear I.Nagy,

As always, your help and kind guidance are very much appreciated. I will look out for better dictionaries, preferably those with a seal radical index.

With kind regards,
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