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Subject:title of japanese namazu-e print
Posted By: francis Fri, Nov 03, 2023 IP: 2a01:e0a:871:8270:d4

Can you help me read the title print written in the top right cartouche?
I could only read the three bold kanjis as KA O SHU...
Thanks a lot

Subject:Re: title of japanese namazu-e print
Posted By: Stan Fri, Nov 03, 2023

The title is: The Kashima Deity Gives Information about Earthquakes to the Citizens of Edo

Your print depicts the giant catfish that causes earthquakes. See the links below.


URL Title :Earthquake Catfish Prints

Subject:Re: title of japanese namazu-e print
Posted By: francis minvielle Sat, Nov 04, 2023

Thanks a lot!

Subject:Re: title of japanese namazu-e print
Posted By: I.Nagy Fri, Nov 03, 2023

ぢしん    Jishin  
ミやうさく myōsaku
下徳参 Getokusan
一攅八百八町 Issan Happyakuya-chō
Clever schemes for earthquakes
by Getokusan
for the towns all over Edo

The print depicts the scene when the visioner of the Deity enshrined in Kashima Shrine gives information and advice about earthquakes for the people of Edo.

With regards,

Subject:Re: title of japanese namazu-e print
Posted By: francis minvielle Sat, Nov 04, 2023

Thanks a lot,
Francis | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |