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Subject:Translation of calligraphy help please
Posted By: Kay Dee Wed, Aug 30, 2023 IP:

I wonder if someone would be kind enough to translate the calligraphy in the below please. From a (supposedly) Chinese bamboo painting. (Don't have higher res at present so unfortunately cant make out chop imprints in this.)

Subject:Re: Translation of calligraphy help please
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Sep 03, 2023

但留清白在 日々報平安
If you keep your innocence, everyday is safe

Maybe a better picture of the seals would help to decipher the inscriptions.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Translation of calligraphy help please
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Sep 03, 2023

...decipher the signature - is correct -

Subject:Re: Translation of calligraphy help please
Posted By: Kay Dee Mon, Sep 04, 2023

Thanks Mr Nagy! Understood.

I will try to get better photos of the chops. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |