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Subject:18 Little woodblock prints
Posted By: Kees van Alfen Mon, Aug 28, 2023 IP:

Hi Forum,

Last week I bought these 18 little woodblock prints 16,5cm x 11cm, in a thrift shop. Together with the passe-partouts 23cm x 13cm. I don’t think they are old, but I like the impressionistic style very much if you see them all together. Of course I hope it is by a famous artist, but everything remains a guess.

Did a lot of searching but couldn't find anything about it. I also don’t know what the scene is all about, maybe theater scenes, or different traditional costumes from Japan?

This one happens to have 3 seal cancels, all others 2. The black text on the passe partouts is written differently everywhere.

So I hope someone knows which artist the black monogram belongs to. The stamp just below it is that of the artist self or from someone else. I assume this one was bought later in the series because it has 2 stamps on the print itself, the passe partout will probably have been added later.
I am hopeful that someone can help me, at least partially.

Kind regards, Kees

Link :van Alfen

Subject:Re: 18 Little woodblock prints
Posted By: Kees van Alfen Mon, Aug 28, 2023

My photos were not uploaded, this is my 2nd attempt.

Subject:Re: 18 Little woodblock prints
Posted By: mikeoz Tue, Aug 29, 2023

I don't think these are prints, or if so, have been hand coloured. I think these are a series of paintings of Chinese opera characters or historic characters.

My reading of the artist‘s signature on the base of all is the same - Qin Jian Xun -秦建勛 | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |