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Theresa McCullough

32. Buddha
Northern Thailand, 'Lion Type'
17th century
Height: 31.3 cm (12 1/4 ins)

The Buddha is seated in virasana on a beaded cushion set within a lotus which sits on a six sided plain base carried on three triangular shaped supports. His right hand gestures bhumisparsamudra denoting calling the earth to witness his enlightenment and his left hand rests in his lap, a gesture of contemplation. The face has a serene expression with the eyes lowered in mediation and the hair is arranged in curls topped by a flame usnisha, a symbol of wisdom. The bronze has a green patination.


Griswold, A. B. Dated Buddha Images of Northern Siam, Artibus Asiae, Switzerland, 1959.

Woodward Jr, H. W.; The Sacred Sculpture of Thailand, The Walters Art Gallery, USA, 1997.

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