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Galerie Alexis Renard

Mathura pillar Fragment
Mathura, North India
2nd - 3rd century

This red sandstone fragment of a pillar shows the lower back part of a body the back is adorned with a lotus shaped medallion.

For related examples of lotiform medallions, see: Le médaillon lotiforme dans la sculpture indienne, du IIIe siècle avant JC au VII e siècle après JC, par Mireille Béninsti, Publication du musée Guimet, recherches et documents d’art et d’archéologie, tome IV, Ministère de l’éducation Nationale, Paris, 1952.

Provenance: Formerly in an italian collection published in the catalogue of the exhibition: India, Grecia dell'Asia, Tesori d'arte del Subcontinente indiano dal III millennio a.C. al XIX secolo b. C., Erberto Lo Bue, Caraglio, Piemonte, Italia, 2003, p.55.

all text, images © Galerie Alexis Renard


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