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Galerie Alexis Renard

Terracotta Yakshi from Chandraketugarh
India, Bengal, Chandraketugarh
circa 2nd century BC, Sunga period
35.5cm high

This terracotta plaque from Chandraketugarh shows a beautiful Yakshi figure. The Yakshi figures are divinities in relation with nature and fertility and their chief is Kubera, the king and guardian of nature wealth. This Yakshi figure has all the attributes of Indian beauty: generous breasts, slim waist, broad hips and deep navel. It is interesting to note the lively treatment and expression of this figure. The height of Chandrakegurarh terracotta was under the Shunga period. For related examples, see: Studies in Bengal art series, n°4, Chandraketugarh : A treasure-house of Bengal terracottas, by Enamul Haque, The International Centre For Studies of Bengal Art, Dhaka, Bengladesh, 2001.

all text, images © Galerie Alexis Renard


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