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Calendar of Events


Friday 2nd November
Academic Conference

''Interchanges and Influences in Chinese Buddhist Sculpture'

Conference 1 (Conference 2 on Saturday 3rd November).

An investigation of Buddhist sculpture from Central Asia and China,
exploring links between Buddhist, secular and funerary sculpture.
Supported by the British Academy and the Chiang Ching-kuo

Organization: Sotheby�s Institute of Art in association with the
Circle of Inner Asian Art
Location: 30 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EE
Tickets: Two day conference £50; one day conference £30
Information: Emilie Faure; T: +44 (0)20 7462 3249 or

Saturday 3rd November
Late Opening  

Receptions will be held at:

Gregg Baker Asian Art, Fleurdelys Antiquités, J.A.N. Fine Art,
R & G McPherson Antiques, S. Marchant & Son, Millner Manolatos,
Jorge Welsh Oriental Porcelain & Works of Art.

In addition, The Sweet Tea House Ltd will hold a reception in
Bethnal Green.


Saturday 3rd November
Academic Conference  

'Interchanges and Influences in Chinese Buddhist Sculpture'

Conference 2
Details: As above

Saturday 3rd November

'Interchanges and Influences in Chinese Buddhist Sculpture'

The results of the conference (above) will be presented.
The lecture will be followed by the launch of vol.2 of the
�Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology�, dedicated to
Professor Roderick Whitfield.

Organization: Circle of Inner Asian Art (CIAA)

Location: Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG

Tickets: Admission is free; all are welcome
Information: Dr. Lilla Russell-Smith;


Sunday 4th November
Late Opening

Receptions will be held at:

Asian Art Gallery � Christopher Bruckner, Brandt Asian Art,
Malcolm Fairley Ltd, Oliver Forge & Brendan Lynch Ltd,
Gerard Hawthorn Ltd, Ben Janssens Oriental Art,
Knapton Rasti Asian Art Ltd, Jeremy Knowles Indian Works of Art,
Littleton & Hennessy Asian Art Ltd, Olyvia Oriental,
Priestley & Ferraro, Simon Ray Indian & Islamic Works of Art,
Grace Tsumugi Fine Art Ltd,
Jonathan Tucker Antonia Tozer Asian Art


Sunday 4th November
Korean Event  

'Experience Korean Culture at the V&A'
Han Style: with dance, music, lectures, costume demonstration
and curator talks.


Location: Victoria & Albert Museum
Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL

Tickets: Admission is free
Information: T: +44 (0)20 7942 2000

Sunday 4th November

'The Calico Museum of Textiles, Ahmedabad, India'
by Prof. Anne Morrell, museum consultant and author of
�Indian Embroidery Techniques�.

Location: Joss Graham Gallery
10 Eccleston Street, London SW1W 9LT

Tickets: Admission is free
Information: Jessica Allen: T: +44 (0)20 7730 4370

Sunday 4th November

'High Temperature Kilns - The William Gowland Collection
of Japanese Ceramics at the British Museum'

by Victor Harris, Keeper Emeritus of the Japanese Section at the
British Museum.
Annual Oriental Ceramic Society lecture hosted by Christie�s.

Organisation: The Oriental Ceramic Society
in association with Christie�s

Location: Christie�s
8 King Street, St James's, London SW1Y 6QT

Tickets: Admission is free; booking is required
Information: To reserve a seat please contact Flora Hesketh;
T: +44 (0)20 7389 2515; E: or
contact Mary Painter; T: +44 (0)1223 881 328;

Monday 5th November
Late Opening  

Receptions will be held at:

Michael Backman Ltd, David Baker Oriental Art, The Barakat Gallery Ltd,
Jan van Beers Oriental Art, Anthony Carter Ltd,
Paul Champkins Oriental Art, Eskenazi Ltd, Sam Fogg,
Francesca Galloway, Garnier Contemporary Arts, Katie Jones,
Roger Keverne Ltd, Robert Kleiner & Co Ltd, Sydney L. Moss Ltd,
Susan Ollemans Oriental Art, Opera Gallery,
Simon Pilling: East Asian Art & Interiors, Nicholas Pitcher Oriental Art Ltd, Rossi & Rossi Ltd, Jacqueline Simcox Ltd, A&J Speelman Ltd.

In addition Oc-Eo Art - Peter Quintana will hold a reception at
The Mall Galleries, St. James�s


Monday 5th November

'Fine Chinese Art'

'Japanese Art and Design'
10.30am and 2.30pm

Bonhams, Knightsbridge
'A European Private Collection of 19th and 20th Century Chinese Porcelain'

Monday 5th November
Lecture   'Traditional Hierarchy and Modern Technology: engineering,
information technology and caste in South India'

by Prof. Christopher Fuller, LSE - Anthropology.
The lecture will be followed by a reception.

Location: The Society for South Asian Studies (SSAS),
Royal Asiatic Society, 14 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD
Tickets: Admission is free; RSVP
Information: Brenda McGregor; T: +44 (0)20 7388 5490;

Tuesday 6th November
Gala Party  

10th Anniversary Asian Art in London Gala Party
Champagne reception

Location: Hotung Gallery, at the British Museum, north entrance,
Montague Place.
With a private view of the British Museum� s exhibition
�The First Emperor: China�s Terracotta Army�

Free prize entry to win: luxury holiday for two in Singapore,
courtesy of St Regis Hotels and Resorts.

Tickets: Admission strictly by ticket only; tickets to the Gala party
must be pre-booked from Asian Art in London; £50 each
Information: Asian Art in London office
Tel +44 (0)20 7499 2215
Fax +44 (0)20 7499 2216

Tuesday 6th November

'Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art including Export Art'
10.30am and 2pm

'Fine Japanese Art'

Wednesday, 7th November

'Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art'

'Japanese Prints including The BW Robinson Collection'
10.30am and 2.30pm

'Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art featuring the Mu-Fei Collection of
Chinese Classical Paintings'

Wednesday 7th November

'The Wandering Buddha: Encountering the Sublime. Relics, Merit-
Making and Pilgrimage in the Buddhist Diaspora'

by John Guy, Senior Curator, South and Southeast Asia,
Victoria & Albert Museum.
A recognized independent centre of Oxford University, the OCBS
has created Europe�s first permanent Chair in Buddhist studies.

Organisation: Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
Location: Bonhams, 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR
Tickets: Admission is free
Information: Dr. Geoffrey Bamford; T: +44 (0)1865 274 098;

Wednesday 7th November
Benefit Evening  

'Kids Benefit' Invitation Evening
for Henry and Freddie Spink and other families in association with
Asian Art in London.
During the evening a raffle will be conducted and the funds raised
will be used to help provide medical support, specialist equipment,
helpers and respite care for Henry and Freddie, and for families
nominated by Kids charity.

6.30pm Champagne reception
7pm Welcoming address by Colin Sheaf, Chairman of Bonhams Asia
7.05pm Lecture by guest speaker Dr Pratapaditya Pal:
�Collecting Norton Simon Style�
8pm Auction of eight lots (to include works of art)

Location: Bonhams, 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR
Tickets: Admission to the reception, lecture and auction by ticket only;
Single ticket £50; Double ticket £88;
Payment in advance by UK Sterling cheque payable to Kids
Information: For tickets please email your orders to:

Wednesday 7th November

The Annual Benjamin Zucker Lecture on Mughal Art:
'Harem Portraits: Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal
Worlds', by Ruby Lal, Assistant Professor of South Asian Civilizations,
Emory University, Atlanta, USA.

7pm, doors open at 6.30pm
Location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Lecture Theatre, use Exhibition Road entrance, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL
Tickets : Admission is free
Information: T: +44 (0)20 7942 2322

Thursday 8th November
Auction   Christie�s South Kensington
'Japanese Ceramics and Works of Art'
10.30am and 2pm
Thursday 8th November
Seminar   Book Launch Seminar
'The Culture of Copying in Japan: Critical and Historical
by Dr. Rupert Cox.
This book challenges the perception of Japan as a 'copying culture' through a series of detailed ethnographic and
historical case studies.

Location: Daiwa Foundation, Japan House
13/14 Cornwall Terrace, London NW1 4QP
Tickets: Admission is free; Entry is by ticket only
Information: To apply for a ticket, please contact
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation;
T: +44 (0)20 7486 4348; E:


Thursday 8th November


'Jahangir as Sir Francis Bacon�s Ideal of the King as an Observer and Investigator of Nature' by Professor Dr. Ebba Koch,
University of Vienna.

Location: Royal Asiatic Society, 14 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD
Tickets: Admission is free
Information: Camilla Larsen; T: +44 (0)20 7388 4539;

'Okinawa (Ryukyu): Kingdom of the Coral Isles'
Lecture 1 'Life in the Ryukyu Kingdom' by Richard Pearson,
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology and Sociology,
University of British Columbia, Senior Research Adviser,
Sainsbury Institute.
(Lectures 2 & 3; 14th & 15th November, see below).

Organization: Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts
and Cultures
Location: B.P. Lecture Theatre, The British Museum
Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Tickets: Admission is free
Information: T: +44 (0)1603 624 349; E:

Thursday 8th November
Auction    Christie�s South Kensington
'Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles'
10.30am and 2pm
Saturday 10th November
Study Day   Asian Art in London Study Day
'The First Emperor, China�s Terracotta Army' in celebration of
Asian Art in London�s 10th Anniversary in association with
the British Museum.

This study day focuses on the 'First Emperor, China�s Terracotta Army'
exhibition, including lectures by curators and guest speakers from the UK
and China and covering the vision, achievements and legacy of Qin Shihuangdi (r.221 - 210BC). The archaeology of this tomb complex
and the new discoveries included in the exhibition will be discussed,
as will the production and conservation of the terracotta figures.

Location: BP Lecture Theatre, British Museum
Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Tickets: £32, Asian Art in London participants £22, full time students £16
Information: T: +44 (0)20 7323 8181; W:

10am: Inside view of the exhibition
'The First Emperor, China�s Terracotta Army' with Jane Portal,
exhibition curator, and Hiromi Kinoshita, assistant exhibition curator
10.45am: 'The Qin Empire' by Michael Loewe
11.45am: 'The First Emperor�s Tomb' by Duan Qingbo, head of excavations
12.15am: Discussion with Liu Yunhui and Zhang Yinglan,
Terracotta Warriors Museum, Xi�an
2pm: 'Stone Armour' by James Lin, Fitzwilliam Museum
2.30pm: 'The Terracotta Army' by Lukas Nickel, SOAS
3pm: 'The Han Dynasty and Legacy of the First Emperor' by
Carol Michaelson, assistant keeper of Asia, British Museum
3.30pm: Discussion with Li Xiuzhan, curator,
Terracotta Warriors Museum, Xi�an
4.30pm: Discussion chaired by Jan Stuar, keeper of Asia, British Museum
5.30pm: Tour of the exhibition

Tuesday 13th November

'Collectors in Shanghai prior to 1950' by George Fan.
An Oriental Ceramic Society lecture.

Organisation: The Oriental Ceramic Society
Location: The Society of Antiquaries
Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BE
Tickets: Admission is free; booking is not required
Information: Mrs Mary Painter, Administrator,
The Oriental Ceramic Society; T: +44 (0)1223 881328;

Wednesday 14th November

'Okinawa (Ryukyu): Kingdom of the Coral Isles'
Lecture 2 'Traders in the East China Sea: The Rise of Kingdoms
in Okinawa'.

Organization: Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
Location: Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS)
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
Tickets: Admission is free
Information: T: +44 (0)1603 624 349; E:

Thursday 15th November

'Okinawa (Ryukyu): Kingdom of the Coral Isles'
Lecture 3 'Okinawa, Islands of Castles'.

Organization: Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts
and Cultures
Location: Blackfriars Hall, St Andrew�s Plain, Norwich NR3 1AU
Tickets: Admission is free
Information: T: +44 (0)1603 624 349; E:



Asian Arts | Exhibitions