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The Architecture of the Medical College on Chakpori, Lhasa

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Fig. 31:
Experimental reconstruction of the Medical College on Chakpori, Lhasa

Façade West
Research and drawing by Knud Larsen

This is, for the time being, the final attempt at a reconstruction. It was presented at the IATS-seminar in Bergen, Norway 2016. A comparison with the 2009 proposal shows that the tower is now higher and that it is no longer symmetrical in relation to the façade but shares the symmetrical axis with the Prayer Hall. A peculiarity, which was detected on a photo of the ruin by Heinrich Harrer (1982), is a slit in the wall just above the top of the rock from where waste apparently came out and discoloured the rock face below. The interpretation is that this is toilet waste and that the slit indicates where the toilets were located in the building.