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Subject:Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: AnthonyPvR Mon, Apr 29, 2019 IP:

Good Day. I have a monumentally large pair of Foo Lions and each has an incised mark on the bottom. Any help identifying the mark by those that can read it would be greatly appreciated.

Subject:Re: Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: I.Nagy Thu, May 02, 2019

Changsheng Research Institute of
Jingdezhen Porcelain Factory

With regards,

Subject:Re: Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: I.Nagy Fri, May 03, 2019

...Jingdezhen Porcelain Figures Factory

Subject:Re: Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: AnthonyPvR Fri, May 03, 2019

Thank you so much!! I can't seem to find anything about them online. I found one reference that pointed out that they were founded in 1909 but that was it.

Subject:Re: Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: Bill H Sun, May 05, 2019

Here's a link to a Chinese website showing an auction listing for a bust of "Miss Longmei", a Mongolian prairie girl and heroine, whose sculpture was made during the Cultural Revolution Era by the Changsheng Research Institute of the Jingdezhen Porcelain Figures Factory.

I also saw other references to such a Jingdezhen factory without associated mention of the research institute.

Best regards,

Bill H.

URL Title :Jingdezhen porcelain sculpture factory

Subject:Re: Mark on very large Foo Lion Pair
Posted By: Anthony von Reichert Mon, Dec 09, 2019

Thank you, Bill!!

Kind Regards,

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