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Subject:Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: Brian Wed, Jul 18, 2018 IP:

I was wondering if anybody would have any info. regarding this painting, it does appear to be done on rice paper if its not then its the thinnest paper I've ever seen. I am curious if there is any value to it, not that I am interested in selling I absolutely love Asian culture and the arts.

any thoughts at all would be appreciated.

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Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: I.Nagy Thu, Jul 19, 2018

雪山山居 - Snowy mountain, mountain residence
2000年十一月 - 2000Year、November
Unfortunately, the signature and seal is illegibly blurred.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: rat Thu, Jul 19, 2018

"Secluded home amid clouds and mountains, November 2000, can't read the artist's name or seal from your photo. Chinese.

Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: Brian Anderson Fri, Jul 20, 2018

Thanks for your input, I'm finding it difficult to get a good pic of the stamp, I appreciate any help you can give with this. Very much appreciated.

I have attached another photo if this helps .

Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: Brian Anderson Fri, Jul 20, 2018

Thanks for your input, I'm finding it difficult to get a good pic of the stamp, I appreciate any help you can give with this. Very much appreciated.

I have attached another photo if this helps .

Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: I.Nagy Sat, Jul 21, 2018

Rat's title reading is correct.
"Secluded home amid clouds and mountains"
My reading of signature,
尤世明 - You Shiming
世明 - Shiming
I cannot fint artist under this name.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Looking for info. on a specific painting.
Posted By: rat Sun, Jul 22, 2018

Still not too clear, but artist's surname is You 尤, given name might be Shuming 书明 but I think I am misreading the first character in the given name. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |