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Subject:meiji banzuke like poster
Posted By: francis minvielle Sun, Dec 22, 2024 IP:

What is this banzuke like poster about?
Not about sumo obviously.
Thanks to translate its main points...

Subject:Re: meiji banzuke like poster
Posted By: Renato Mon, Jan 13, 2025

Well, I am just a japanese language student, but this Banzuke (番付) document seams to indicate the Ranking classifications. In the center something like: 長左見立甲乙 (Chōzami Tate Kōotsu) - (乙 甲= second and first rank). 行司 (Gyōji): "Referee" or "official," often used in sumo contexts.三国 丸 -Sangokumaru -"Ship of the Three Kingdoms" (Is it looks like a nickname or a real name of a Ship?). 筋進元 Kinshingen- muscle move forward principle 金侵金 - Kinshinkin -Gold invading gold. Down the chart you can see repeated the character 可 - allowed (approved), and then, possible the name of the wrestlers? Sorry. I dont know exaclty, but it helps if you position the sheet better, so that it doesn't get tiring to look at the paper tilted, you can also take a better photo or adjust the light, color, etc. in some image editing program.

Hugs from Brazil

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