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Subject:Identify the author of calligraphy
Posted By: Gabry Sun, Dec 29, 2024 IP:

Can anyone help identify the author? Many thanks and best regards,

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Subject:Re: Identify the author of calligraphy
Posted By: I.Nagy Mon, Dec 30, 2024

至誠以本成 勤勞以主成
分度以体成 推譲以用成
明治四十四年一月 安藤氏之嘱
Sincerity is the foundation
and the labour is the main achievement
Proportionality is the body
and the consignment is the mean
Fifty words of policy, Written by Ōoka Nōsui*
In January of the 44th Year of Meiji (1911)
On demand of Mr. Andō
Upper seal,
權大僧正 Gondai sōjō (Great bishop of the lower rank - priestly officer)
Lower -leisure - seal,
勸善旭空 Strive for good under the sky of the rising sun

Sincerity, labour, proportionality and consignment
were the four principles of the "Hōtoku Thought" conceived by Ninomiya Takanori in the late Edo period. It was based on the teachings of Shintoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.
People influenced by this thought were;
Matsushita Kōnosuke - Founder of Panasonic
Toyoda Sakichi - Founder of Toyota Motor Corporation

* Calligrapher was an unidentifiable Buddhist priest

With regards,

Subject:Re: Identify the author of calligraphy
Posted By: Gabry Mon, Dec 30, 2024

Very interesting! Thank you very much Mr.Nagy. My respects and best wishes for the New Year,
Gabriele | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |