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Subject:Help Identifying Estimated Age - 18" Charger
Posted By: Jerry Mon, Dec 23, 2024 IP:

Any help with information on this piece is appreciated.

Subject:Re: Help Identifying Estimated Age - 18" Charger
Posted By: Renato Fri, Dec 27, 2024

I'm not an expert, but on of the scenes seams to depicts a nobleman in a pavilion gazing at the natural surroundings. Natural motifs such as chrysanthemums (symbolizing longevity and rejuvenation), pine trees, and cranes (symbols of good fortune and long life) are scattered across the traditional decorative panels. Ducks, often associated with marital harmony and lifelong fidelity. The indoor group scene features figures dressed in Heian-era court attire, suggesting a literary reference. If interpreted as a scene from The Tale of Genji, the nobleman may represent Genji himself, contemplating the rising sun in one depiction and visiting his wife, Aoi, and his father-in-law, the Minister of the Left (Sadaijin), in another. Sadaijin, portrayed as a monk on the left, and his daughter, Aoi, are shown having retired from public life to embrace Buddhist monasticism.
The color palette includes red, green, blue, and gold enamels, characteristic of Kutani ware. other opinions are welcome.

Subject:Re: Help Identifying Estimated Age - 18" Charger
Posted By: Jerry Fri, Dec 27, 2024

Thank you so much for the information you provided Renato. It is fascinating to know the inspirational background stories that go behind these art forms. Your response only adds to my interest in collecting Asian Art.

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Subject:Re: Help Identifying Estimated Age - 18" Charger
Posted By: Renato Thu, Jan 02, 2025

You're welcome! I am just a Japanese language student, but I deeply love Japanese, Indian, and Chinese cultures as a whole. Last month, I bought some Japanese and Chinese artworks at an auction, and I experienced that feeling collectors often talk about. It's hard to say "enough" with new Asian artworks appearing on the market almost every day.

Wishing you a wonderful year filled with collecting all those wonders!

A warm hug from Brazil,

Subject:Re: Help Identifying Estimated Age - 18" Charger
Posted By: Jerry Fri, Jan 03, 2025

Yes, This New Year is planned to be a good one in my house, although, I am in USA-Ohio where the next few days are forecast to be snowy and -1 °F -18.3 °C. The warm hug is welcome. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |