Subject:Re: Questions about Kunimasa comic print
Posted By: lucienne parkan Wed, Feb 05, 2025
I agree that the Ichikawa clan (Naritaya guild) has very close ties with Naritasan, dating back to Ichikawa Danjuro I (1697).
It's unlikely that Ichikawa Danjuro VIII is the subject of the print as he died in 1854 and Kunimasa was born in 1848
The actor who could correspond to the period is Kawarasaki, who in 1874 took the name of Ichikawa Danjuro IX.
In May 1883: Danjûrô played at the Ichimuraza the role of the deity Fudô Myôô, an important symbol for the Naritaya guild, in the drama "Hashi Kuyô Bonji no Mongaku".
If you're lucky Imrun Nagy might translate some of the texts.