Subject:Re: Wie kan mij vertellen of dit een Japans of Chinees bord is en hoe oud hij is
Posted By: RENATO Sat, Feb 08, 2025
Good morning,
Note that no one here would presume the period of a porcelain without to handle it and take different other techniques to make a bet.
But if you trust in a humble japanese language student from Brazil you can figure out why you have hands a possible chinese 20th century "Nanking Cargo blue and white porcelain" copy.
The cargo (the real one) was recovered long time ago by certain Captain Michael Hatcher in 1985 and sold by Christie's Amsterdam as "The Nanking Cargo Chinese Export Porcelain". If you look at it carefully do you think this object could have more two hundred years of age? It seams a little bit unlikely. But as I stated I am not expert.Just a Brazilian asian art and language lover.
aangezien je uit holland komt, wie weet heb je een "tresors found" in handen?
Best Regards