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Subject:Help Translating Poem on Ukiyo-e Scroll Painting
Posted By: Antonis Tue, Jan 21, 2025 IP:

Hello everyone,

I’ve been trying to decipher the poem inscribed on this Ukiyo-e scroll painting of an Oiran (possibly from the Ogiya or "House of the Fan"), but I haven’t had much luck due to its cursive calligraphy and the use of various archaic character forms.

Regarding the painting itself, I haven’t been able to identify or read the seal. However, based on its style, it is believed to be the work of a student of the Kitagawa school, dating to around the Bunka era (1804–1818).

If anyone can help transcribe and translate the poem, identify the seal, or provide any additional insights, I would be immensely grateful.

Thank you in advance!

Subject:Re: Help Translating Poem on Ukiyo-e Scroll Painting
Posted By: I.Nagy Tue, Jan 21, 2025

My reading and rough translation of the waka.

おもかけの    - Omokage no
かわらて - kawarade
年の - toshi no
つもれかし - tsumorekashi
たとへ いのちに - tatoe inochi ni
かきり - kagiri
ありとしても - ari toshite mo

Keep your face the same
as you were young
and let the years go by

Don't get old, within a month or so I saw this pair of seals with another seal clearly identifying the artist - but it has gone out of my head. As soon as I find it out, I'll return.

Note, for technical reasons the alternative kanas in the text are shown in their modern forms.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Help Translating Poem on Ukiyo-e Scroll Painting
Posted By: Antonis Wed, Jan 22, 2025

Thank you so much for the help in transcribing and translating the poem!

Please let me know if you find the seals again.

Wishing you all the best,

Subject:Re: Help Translating Poem on Ukiyo-e Scroll Painting
Posted By: Mel Tue, Jan 28, 2025

Dear I.Nagy,

This is my attempt of reading the seals:


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