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Subject:another boshin war text in satiric print
Posted By: francis minvielle Sun, Jan 12, 2025 IP:

I know it is a lot to ask because there are many small sentences in this diptych...But can you translate them anyway, or at least tell me the general meaning of each one?

Subject:Re: another boshin war text in satiric print
Posted By: I.Nagy Fri, Jan 17, 2025

大一座葉唄の三會 Ōichiza hauta no san'e
A three-part sermon of small songs with shamisen
accompanied by the Ōichi group

Sorry for the late response, but I had to dig a little deeper into the subject.
The caricatures are a veritable repository of hidden codes. The first step is to decipher the embedded visual codes.

Ladies playing shamisen,
(Left) Tenshōin, widow of the late Tokugawa Iesada, the 13th shōgun of the Tokugawa Shogunate
Her name written on the left and right collars and the hem of kimono
(Right) Chikako, Princess Kazu, half-sister of the late Emperor Kōmei, mother of law of Tenshōin
These two ladies played a very important role between the opposing sides during the Boshin War,

In front of the two, Emperor Meiji dances.
With the imperial chrysanthemum flower crest on his robe and emperor's headwear.

On the left side panel the one who wears a ladder-patterned robe over simple armor on his body is definitely Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the 15th and last shōgun.
Around them are depicted representatives of the clans directly involved in this war、such as Kishū, Owari, Tosa, Satsu and Hikone、
Costumes、processional kimonos and small patterns are used to make it easy for contemporaries to recognize someone, and in addition stylish words are scattered around them

As an example, I translated three songs from the left side panel.

うかうかおくり つまがあるなら かえりやせぬ
Long months and days passed carelessly, if there's
anything left, I won't go away.

My heart is a willow on the riverside. It flutters either way depending on the wind.
(Emperor's song)

Relying on my Lord, I have come a long journey from a faraway domain

Alternative kanas are represented in their modern forms.

With regards,

Subject:Re: another boshin war text in satiric print
Posted By: francis minvielle Sat, Jan 18, 2025

I am sure it took you some time for this one!
With my most respectful thanks! | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |