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Subject:Story on white blue vase - is it based on a legend?
Posted By: Liza Tue, Jan 07, 2025 IP:

The story is painted all around the bulb of the vase. I attach 6 pictures in two parts: 2 x 3. Could someone please let me know if this is based on a legend? If so, where could I read about it.
It is not a hunting scene as the deer seems to be looked after.
The characters seem to have different costumes and head coverings, so are they different officials? The weapons I managed to identify as used for training purposes only. Many thanks for any comments.

Subject:Re: Story on white blue vase - is it based on a legend?
Posted By: Renato Sat, Jan 18, 2025

Though to say, but to me its a representation of Shouxing. In chinese mythology there is an Immortal called 寿星 shòuxīng. He is the Taoist deification of Canopus star, also see as "The Old Man of the South Pole".
He is Taoist god of longevity who is sometimes depicted as an old man with a long beard and a deer at his side (the man in the jar looks too young to me, anyway). But in the literary work "Journey to the West", for instance
a white deer, once escaped to the nether world to become a demon or Yaoguai. Sun Wukong defeat it, but the Old Man of the South Pole,treat it with his medicinal herbs and taken it back to livre with him at the mountains. This could be a possible interpretation.
Hugs from Brazil

Subject:Re: Story on white blue vase - is it based on a legend?
Posted By: Liza Sun, Jan 19, 2025

Thank you very much for your reply Renato.

Would it be possible to describe the style of the painting?

Considering varied intensity in the pigment application,
The the peoples’ clothing and objects: mixture of Mongol and Han (??) Chinese culture?? | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |